Andrew and Sawyer having a "special" moment
After leaving Heather and Andrew, we traveled about 3 1/2 hours north to Ithaca, New York. Howard was fortunate enough to be able to attend a conference on "Biological Information: New Perspectives".
Howard and I were fortunate to share a picnic dinner with this gentleman, Werner Gitt and his daughter, Roma, from Germany. He was one of the speaker's at the meeting Howard went to held on Cornell University's campus. Delightful people.
A scene near one of the athletic fields. I just thought it interesting with the ivy growing all over.
Another view of the ivy climbing up the side of a structure near the athlectic field.
This shrub was growing out of this huge rock (this was located in the arboretum near campus)
This explains why the shrub is growing out of the rock.
While Howard attended meetings, I got to explore --this is a view in the arboretum that I kept returning to daily. It was a beautiful place.
This little fellow was so CUTE! And he allowed me to get several pictures of him. He even came back the next day, hoping I would take his picture again!
Taughannock Falls, Ithaca, NY
Absolutely amazing and beautiful! Such wonderment!
Pictures absolutely CANNOT portray the majesty of this.
The name means "in the trees" in the algonquin language. It is 215 feet high, the tallest free-falling waterfall in the northeastern U.S.
Howard standing at the top of a cliff with the falls in the bacground.
The next day, after taking Howard's picture, I returned to the falls -- I found a trail that would take me to the bottom of the falls. It was about a 3/4 mile hike, on a beautiful trail.
I crossed this bridge in order to get as close to the falls as I could. However, due to the heavy mist the falls created, I couldn't get near as close as I wanted to.